There are only two opportunities left this year to see a Lean Startup presentation in the US - for free. In order to make those events the best they can be, I'd like to ask for your help.
This Wednesday, I've been invited to give a lecture as part of Stanford University's Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar. I'm really honored to be included in this program, as it's one I've admired and enjoyed for many years. They produce fantastic video podcasts, which you can explore here. And in mid-November, I'll be speaking at the Web 2.0 Expo in NYC. Once again, this will be a web2open hybrid session; I'll post details for how to register as soon as I get them.
I'd like to incorporate feedback into these presentations, and so here's my request for help. If you've seen me present in any format (online or in-person), would you take a few minutes to fill out the following short survey?
Click Here to take survey
If you haven't seen any of my presentations before, feel free to take a moment and peruse the video, audio, or slides available on this blog. As always, if you can come to one of these events, please come say hello and let me know that you're a reader. Hope to see you there!