Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A large batch of videos, slides, and audio

I've been trying very hard to avoid turning this blog into a travelogue. Normally, I try to make my post-event writeups more than just a transcript, by including reactions and comments. On this speaking tour, that's been simply impossible, so I've decided to let the following collection of videos, podcasts, and slides batch up for a little while. If you're interested in more real-time updates during my speaking tour, please tune into my twitter feed.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy all this multimedia content. In addition to some of my recent talks, you can learn more about the Startup Visa movement and enjoy two really interesting lean startup case studies.

My Stanford Entrepreneurial Thought Leader Seminar courtesy of Stanford Ecorner (audio podcast only for now, video coming soon):

if you'd like to follow along with slides, they are here:

From high atop the BT Tower in London, this brief BT Tradespace interview:

Why do we need a Startup Visa? A Tale of 2 Erics:

Also in London, I took up a lot of airtime during day two of Seedcamp. You can read highlights on their blog, or watch this short video:

Seedcamp - Day 2 Highlights from Seedcamp on Vimeo.

Or watch my full #leanstartup presentation at Seedcamp in London:

And two bonus videos that are well worth watching (weally):

Timothy Fitz, who worked for me at IMVU, giving an in-depth presentation on the details of the continuous deployment system that we built there.

With accompanying slides:

pbWorks (formerly pbWiki) was one of the first companies that ever invited me to join their advisory board. I like to think that had some small part in causing their subsequent success. Judge for yourself by watching David Weekly's #leanstartup case study (pbWorks):

Thanks to everyone who has helped plan, organize, record and attend these many events!