Thursday, April 8, 2010

Conference streaming, sponsors, discounted tickets

Simulcasting in twenty cities worldwide leads today's news for the Startup Lessons Learned conference on April 23. Thanks to the generosity of new sponsors, we also have a handful of heavily-discounted tickets available.

Discounted Hotel Rate
Traveling to SF for the conference? We have a special hotel rate of $189 a night at the Westin where the event is being held. However, this discount expires this Monday, April 12: be sure to reserve your room before then.

Our simulcast program has expanded to five continents (so far). We have a new section of the website devoted to remote viewing, which is located here. More locations are being added as we can confirm them. If you'd like to host a simulcast, please sign up here. A complete list of locations is below. Most events are free, but they all require that you RSVP in advance. Special thanks to our streaming sponsor for handling the actual broadcasts.

North America
South America
We are enormously grateful to our latest conference sponsors: KISSmetrics, Microsoft BizSpark and Baseline Ventures. Microsoft will be making scholarships available to companies in their BizSpark program; stay tuned for details.

Discounted Tickets
As part of their sponsorship, Baseline is offering discounted tickets to their portfolio companies. However, in an additional act of generosity, Baseline's Steve Anderson has asked us to make discounted tickets available to the general public as well. He's footing the bill for a block of half-price tickets which are available now on a first come, first served basis. You can get those tickets here, while they last. (And, if you feel so moved, you can leave Steve a thank-you message; he's @standers on Twitter.)

And, don't forget, full ticket scholarships are also available from IMVU. The application form is here.