Monday, April 12, 2010

The Lean Startup Intensive at Web 2.0 Expo SF (May 3, 2010)

I'm discovering the truth of the old saying, "when it rains, it pours." I keep waiting for the tide of interesting people, opportunities, and ideas to ebb - but so far it has done nothing but accelerate. Thank you all so much. Just one year ago, I gave my first big conference talk at the 2009 Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco. I had no idea what to expect, and the response was truly humbling. So I am particularly excited that the Lean Startup is a big part of this year's Web 2.0 Expo. Steve Blank and I are both giving keynotes in the main conference track. And for those who want more than just the overview, we're offering the Lean Startup Intensive on the first day of the conference: May 3, 2010.

We've built the Intensive into an all-star program designed to give a comprehensive overview of the methodology, taught by its leading practitioners. Unlike the conference on April 23, the Intensive does not assume any prior knowledge of lean startups, and is designed for a wide audience. Anyone who's thinking of attending the Expo will get something out of it. I believe it will be the first time each of the following speakers will be presenting a full session back-to-back: Steve Blank, Dave McClure, Sean Ellis, Hiten Shah, Dan Martell, as well as an investing panel which we'll announce soon. Here's an excerpt from the official program:
“A startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty.”
All entrepreneurs face the same fundamental challenges:
  • How do we know if we’re making progress?
  • How do we know if customers will want the product we’re building?
  • And, if they do, how do we know what kind of value we can create with it?
But because every startup also strives to become an institution, answering these questions requires more than just disciplined thinking at the whiteboard. It requires the coordination of many different people, working in concert to answer them. In other words, it requires management.

This event brings together the leading thinkers and practitioners of the Lean Startup movement. The goal is to provide a complete introduction to the theory as well as a grounding in advanced techniques that you can put to immediate use.

This program is designed for people who have a stake in creating great products: engineers, designers, product managers, marketers and businesspeople—from companies of any size. And, of course, for present or future entrepreneurs who are hoping to do more than punch a lottery ticket.

Read the rest here...

I'm incredible excited about the lineup, and think it'll provide the world's first comprehensive introduction to these ideas. If you're thinking of attending the Web 2.0 Expo, I hope you'll consider spending your first day with us. 

To sweeten the deal, we also have a special 25% discount code which you can use for either the Intensive itself or for a whole Expo pass. The code is websf10ls25 and can be redeemed here. And there are still a (very) few application spots open for a complete conference pass scholarship; details are available here.

So yes, there are two major lean startup events coming up in San Francisco in the next month. Both are going to be amazing, so take your pick. And, as always, if you do decide to stop by, please say hello and let me know you're a reader. I'm looking forward to meeting you.