Saturday, April 3, 2010

Six streaming locations

Can't travel to San Francisco for the Startup Lessons Learned Conference on April 23, but still want to participate? Thanks to the support of organizers around the world, you can join in remotely - in most cases, free of charge. I'm excited to announce the first six confirmed simulcast locations:
Please RSVP so our organizers can plan capacity accordingly. We're offering this simulcast service free of charge to organizers; if you'd like to host a simulcast in your city, you can sign up to do so here. We'll continue to post links to new events to the conference website as we get them confirmed. If you're curious about whether there are others in your area who'd like to get together to watch, feel free to contact a local meetup or post a comment below.

I want to thank everyone who has volunteered to host, and especially thank our simulcast organizer Erin Turner. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment. Hope to see you on April 23.