Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sneak preview, KISSmetrics (and more)

Hear the CEO of KISSmetrics give a sneak preview of what he'll be presenting at the Startup Lessons Learned conference on April 23 (we're less than a week away!):

Conference updates continue to pour in:
  • Want to see more preview videos? Take a look at our new sneak-preview site, sponsored by KISSmetrics.
  • We've updated our list of simulcast locations (see below). Thanks to volunteer organizers around the world, the conference is now available on every continent (well, except Antarctica) and in almost fifty cities. Most of these events are free, but they do require that you RSVP. An up-to-date list of simulcast locations is always available at
  • Our sponsors continue to support the conference as well as deserving entrepreneurs. Three premier early-stage venture investors have joined forces to sponsor the event: Baseline, Floodgate, and First Round Capital. In addition to supporting their portfolio companies in coming to the event, they also have taken the additional step of underwriting a limited number of discounted tickets that are available to the general public. The latest batch, sponsored by First Round, is available here.
Thanks again to all of our amazing sponsors, volunteers and staff who are working very hard to make this event a reality.

North America
South America