Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Last Lean Startup Bundle: claim $3,000,000 in prizes

The Lean Startup Book launches in just under a week.

[Forget the verbiage, just show me the deal! OK: do you want 5-100 copies or 100+ copies?]

How many copies will this book sell in its first week – real, hardcover, paper copies? If that number crosses some unknowable threshold, the book will debut as a bestseller, and then an awful lot of people are going to read it. People who would never bother with an entrepreneur’s blog, who may not even see themselves as entrepreneurs: shopkeepers and policy makers, CFO’s and private equity managers, and even future entrepreneurs. With your help, our movement can reach a truly mainstream audience, one that – at least in my humble opinion - truly needs to hear what we have to say.

But there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun along the way. I wanted to create an absolutely irresistible offer, one that would entice you to buy not just a single book – but to buy one for your entire team, entire company, or just for everyone you know. This bundle is 100% stuff I think you will really use. No phony discounts. No free trials. The more books you buy, the more valuable the rewards.

This blog post is going to be long, and below you will see every last detail of every last tier of prizes.

I chose Amazon Web Services to be our marquee reward, and not just for the obvious reason that so many of you are - right this very moment – already hosting on AWS EC2. Almost any startup - in any industry - can use AWS to find and serve customers. I chose AWS because it offers so many different services, from hosting to databases to payments (FPS) to content delivery (CloudFront) - even e-commerce fulfillment (FWS). The AWS team is excited about the book, too, and they’ve stepped up huge: the tiers below contain almost $100,000 in AWS credits. Some of the packages are almost worth buying for that value alone.

But only almost! Because at every level I have tried to give way more value than you’re paying. When you read the descriptions below, you’re going to think the “value” column is crazy. How could it possibly be that high? But I urge you to read the whole thing, check my math, and see if it’s real. Each and every package is worth what it says. Add them all up, and we're talking about $2,933,061.00 worth of prizes. No kidding around here.

Some of the prizes are practical, like Pivotal Tracker, KISSmetrics, Ask Your Target Market, Assistly, Hello Bar and Sauce Labs. I’ve only included services that I believe in and that I think you’re going to use.

Some of the prizes are just fun. My personal favorite (the prize I am secretly hoping won’t sell out so I can skim one for myself): a signed hardcover copy of one of my favorite new books, the crazy 80’s-video-game-themed sci-fi bestseller Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. (Yes, you will get one in the mail, courtesy of my publisher, and his, Crown/Random House). Trust me, when this book gets made into a movie and becomes the next WarGames, you’re going to feel pretty cool having this signed copy on your shelf.

You’ll get awesome video content, including the video Lean Startup course I created exclusively for Udemy. You’ll the complete video recording of the amazing Lean Startup track at SXSW 2011, every single presentation. And many of you will get seven awesome action videos courtesy of Appsumo.

And then there are the special bonus packages, for those who can make use of extremely large quantities of books. I asked some of the top Lean Startup super-mentors to volunteer to be prizes, and they are here. You can get time with me, too. And we’ve even got a spot in the extremely exclusive (and extremely cool) Lean User Experience Residency (LUXr) program, which normally costs $15,000. And, if you are disappointed that my book tour doesn’t take me to your city, you can instruct my publisher to change it.

Truly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Dive in below and see what you think.

(This promotion lovingly, ah, borrowed from Tim Ferriss)

Welcome to “The Lean Startup" bonus buy bonanza!
The goal of this post is to offer the prizes of a lifetime (ok, and to sell a ton of books). Every package is worth, in some cases, up to SEVENTEEN times the cost of the books!

This is THE LAST bundle for the book, and it will not be repeated

  • All bonuses will be delivered starting the week of 9/12 but will be sent no later than the week of 9/19 .
  • The prices are inclusive of UPS ground shipping rates.
  • Offers are only available to those with a USA shipping address. International folks may use a forwarding service such as
  • All books must be physical hardcover editions. Sorry, the all-important bestseller lists still only count physical book shipped to US addresses. I know, I know...
  • This giveaway is strictly first come, first served. “Limited to 3 spots” means limited to 3 spots. No exceptions, sorry.
  • If you don’t need quite so many books, but want one of the larger prize packages, we will donate any extra books to a worthy non-profit, starting with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE). I guarantee that every copy you choose to donate will be put in the hands of an aspiring entrepreneur who will appreciate it.
  • The service credits are as unrestricted as we could make them, and most are open to new and existing customers.

Buy The Lean Startup, Get Bonuses Galore

1-100 Book Packages [buy these here]

The 1 Book Package: Buy 1 Book, Get $246 in Bonuses (2000 spots)
The 5 Books Package: Buy 5 Books, Get $2248 in Bonuses (500 spots)
The 10 Books Package: Buy 10 Books, Get $5325 in Bonuses (100 spots)
The 30 Books Package: Buy 30 Books, Get $9855 in Bonuses (50 spots)
The 100 Books Package: Buy 100 Books, Get $13,193 + priceless extras in Bonuses (10 spots)

Crazy Bonus Book Packages [buy these here]

The Super Mentor Package: Buy 300 Books, Get $19,523 + priceless extras in Bonuses (3 spots)
The LUXr Package: Buy 500 Books, Get $37,323 + priceless extras Bonuses (1 spot)
The Book Tour in Your City Bonus Package: Buy 1500 Books, Get $48,323 + priceless extras in Bonuses (1 spot)

The 1-Book Package (Cost $14.50, Value $246)

Spots: Limited to 2,000 spots

-1 Copy of “The Lean Startup” (value $26)
- Pivotal Tracker Startup S plan for one year (value $70)
-Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes... (value $150)
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)

Total value: $246 (for one $14.50 book)

  1. Buy one copy at Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Another retailer.
  2. Fill out this form.

The 5-Book Package (Cost $96, Value $2248)

Spots: Limited to 500 people

-5 copies of “The Lean Startup” (value $130)
-$80 Amazon Web Services (AWS) credit (value $80)
-Pivotal Tracker Startup L plan for one year (value $180)
-Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) 6-month Plus Subscription (value $174)
-50% off LUXr Lean UX Bundle (value $397)
-3 free months of KISSmetrics Micro (value $90)
-3 free months of KISSinsights Premium (value $90)
-3 free months of Hello Bar Pro (value $14.85)
-Free “Refactoring” Album from Industrial Logic (value $250)
-Appsumo video bundle. Includes:
-How To Do Less Work by Leveraging Interns
-SEO for Startups with Rand Fishkin
-Blogging for Startups with Hiten Shah
-Copywriting for Startups
-Lean Startup Secrets Revealed with Eric Ries
-Facebook Ads with Jennifer Sheahan
-CEO Secrets Revealed with Dan Shapiro
-Google Adwords Demystified
Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes...
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries (value $150)
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)

Total value: $2248 (for $96 of books)

  1. Purchase your ticket on EventBrite. This offer is only available to those with shipping addresses in the United States. If you live outside of the US, you can use (HSG). It’s a simple service that allows non-U.S. customers to have goods delivered to a U.S. address, from which HSG forwards them to wherever you live.

The 10-Book Package (Cost $225, Value $5325)

Spots: Limited to 100 people

-10 copies of The Lean Startup (value $260)
-$150 Amazon Web Services (AWS) credit (value $150)
-Free Autographed copy of New York Times bestseller “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline (value $35)
-1 Free Full-Time Agent + 50 Bonus Flex Hours with Assistly (value $638)
-$199 credit for Vungle services (value $199)
-Pivotal Tracker Startup L plan for one year (value $180)
-1 free year of KISSmetrics Small (value $1800)
-1 free year of KISSinsights Premium (value $360)
-$25 StickerMule credit (value $25)
-3 free months of Hello Bar Pro (value $14.85)
-Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes...
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries (value $150)
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)
-Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) 6-month Plus Subscription (value $174)
-50% off LUXr Lean UX Bundle (value $397)
-Free “Refactoring” Album from Industrial Logic (value $250)
-Appsumo video bundle. Includes:
-How To Do Less Work by Leveraging Interns
-SEO for Startups with Rand Fishkin
-Blogging for Startups with Hiten Shah
-Copywriting for Startups
-Lean Startup Secrets Revealed with Eric Ries
-Facebook Ads with Jennifer Sheahan
-CEO Secrets Revealed with Dan Shapiro
-Google Adwords Demystified
Total value: $5325 (for $225 of books)

INSTRUCTIONS: Purchase your ticket on EventBrite. This offer is only available to those with shipping addresses in the United States. If you live outside of the US, you can use (HSG). It’s a simple service that allows non-U.S. customers to have goods delivered to a U.S. address, from which HSG forwards them to wherever you live.

The 30-Book Package (Cost $570, Value $9855)

Spots: Limited to 50 people

-30 copies of The Lean Startup (value $780)
-$500 Amazon Web Services (AWS) credit (value $500)
-50% off Unbounce for 6 months (up to $1500)
-2 free years of KISSmetrics Small (value $3600)
-2 free years of KISSinsights Premium (value $720)
-$199 credit for Vungle services (value $199)
-Pivotal Tracker Startup L plan for one year (value $180)
-1 Free Full-Time Agent + 50 Bonus Flex Hours with Assistly (value $638)
-Free Autographed copy of NY Times bestseller “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline (value $35)
-$25 StickerMule credit (value $25)
-Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes...
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries (value $150)
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)
-Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) 6-month Plus Subscription (value $174)
-50% off LUXr Lean UX Bundle (value $397)
-3 free months of Hello Bar Pro (value $14.85)
-Free “Refactoring” Album from Industrial Logic (value $250)
-Appsumo video bundle. Includes:
-How To Do Less Work by Leveraging Interns
-SEO for Startups with Rand Fishkin
-Blogging for Startups with Hiten Shah
-Copywriting for Startups
-Lean Startup Secrets Revealed with Eric Ries
-Facebook Ads with Jennifer Sheahan
-CEO Secrets Revealed with Dan Shapiro
-Google Adwords Demystified

Total value: $9855 (for $570 of books)

INSTRUCTIONS: Purchase your ticket on EventBrite. This offer is only available to those with shipping addresses in the United States. If you live outside of the US, you can use (HSG). It’s a simple service that allows non-U.S. customers to have goods delivered to a U.S. address, from which HSG forwards them to wherever you live.

The 100-Book Package (Cost $1860, Value- $13,193 + priceless extras)

Spots: Limited to 10 people

The Lean Startup 100-book Package

-100 copies of The Lean Startup (value $2600)
-$1400 Amazon Web Services (AWS) credit (value $1400)
-1 free 45-minute group Q&A call with Eric Ries (value priceless)
-2 free years of KISSmetrics Small (value $3600)
-2 free years of KISSinsights Premium (value $720)
-1 Free ticket to Lean Startup Machine conference - anywhere in the world (value $299)
-1 Free Admission to LUXr "UX Process for Lean Startups" Workshop (value $149)
-$20 JackThreads credit (value $20)
-3000 free minutes and unlimited Sauce Scout usage for 3 months with SauceLabs (value $150)
-50% off Unbounce for 6 months (value up to $1500)
-$199 credit for Vungle services (value $199)
-1 Free Full-Time Agent + 50 Bonus Flex Hours with Assistly (value $638)
-Free Autographed copy of NY Times bestseller “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline (value $35)
-$25 StickerMule credit (value $25)
-Pivotal Tracker Startup L plan for one year (value $180)
-Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes...
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries (value $150)
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)
-Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) 6-month Plus Subscription (value $174)
-50% off LUXr Lean UX Bundle (value $397)
-3 free months of Hello Bar Pro (value $14.85)
-Free “Refactoring” Album from Industrial Logic (value $250)
-Appsumo video bundle. Includes:
-How To Do Less Work by Leveraging Interns
-SEO for Startups with Rand Fishkin
-Blogging for Startups with Hiten Shah
-Copywriting for Startups
-Lean Startup Secrets Revealed with Eric Ries
-Facebook Ads with Jennifer Sheahan
-CEO Secrets Revealed with Dan Shapiro
-Google Adwords Demystified

Total value: $13,193 + priceless extras (for $1860 of books)

INSTRUCTIONS: Purchase your ticket on EventBrite. This offer is only available to those with shipping addresses in the United States. If you live outside of the US, you can use (HSG). It’s a simple service that allows non-U.S. customers to have goods delivered to a U.S. address, from which HSG forwards them to wherever you live.

The Super Mentor Bonus Package (Cost $4790, Value $19,523 + priceless extras)

Spots: Limited to 3 people

-300 copies of The Lean Startup (value $7,800)
-$1400 Amazon Web Services (AWS) credit (value $1400)
-$1000 Heroku credit ($1000)

-45-minute one-on-one phone consultation with Eric Ries (value priceless)

-30-minute Skype call with Kent Beck, Founder, Three Rivers Institute (value priceless)
-30-minute Skype call with Sean Ellis, CEO, Catchfree (value priceless)
-30-minute Skype call with Dave McClure, Founder, 500 Startups (value priceless)
-30-minute Skype call with Hiten Shah, CEO KISSmetrics (value priceless)
-30-minute Skype call with Janice Fraser, CEO LUXr (value priceless)
-30-minute Skype call with Laura Klein, Users Know (value priceless)
-30-minute Skype call with Pascal-Louis Perez, CTO Wealthfront (value priceless)

-2 free years of KISSmetrics Small (value $3600)
-2 free years of KISSinsights Premium (value $720)
-Free startup Plan with Mixpanel (value $150)
-1 Free Admission to LUXr "UX Process for Lean Startups" Workshop (value $149)
-1 Free ticket to Lean Startup Machine conference - anywhere in the world (value $299)
-3000 free minutes and unlimited Sauce Scout usage for 3 months with SauceLabs (value $150)
-50% off Unbounce for 6 months (value up to $1500)
-$199 credit for Vungle services (value $199)
-1 Free Full-Time Agent + 50 Bonus Flex Hours with Assistly (value $638)
-Free Autographed copy of NY Times bestseller “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline (value $35)
-$25 StickerMule credit (value $25)
-Pivotal Tracker Startup L plan for one year (value $180)
-Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes...
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries (value $150)
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)
-Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) 6-month Plus Subscription (value $174)
-50% off LUXr Lean UX Bundle (value $397)
-3 free months of Hello Bar Pro (value $14.85)
-Free “Refactoring” Album from Industrial Logic (value $250)
-Appsumo video bundle. Includes:
-How To Do Less Work by Leveraging Interns
-SEO for Startups with Rand Fishkin
-Blogging for Startups with Hiten Shah
-Copywriting for Startups
-Lean Startup Secrets Revealed with Eric Ries
-Facebook Ads with Jennifer Sheahan
-CEO Secrets Revealed with Dan Shapiro
-Google Adwords Demystified

Total value: $19,523+ priceless extras (for $4790 of books)

INSTRUCTIONS: Purchase your ticket on Eventbrite. This offer is only available to those with shipping addresses in the United States. If you live outside of the US, you can use (HSG). It’s a simple service that allows non-U.S. customers to have goods delivered to a U.S. address, from which HSG forwards them to wherever you live.

The LUXr Bonus Package (Cost $7,990, Value $37,323 + priceless extras)

Spots: Limited to 1 person.

-500 copies of The Lean Startup (value $13,000)
-1 free spot (for team of 3) in Fall 2011 LUXr program (NY or SF) (value $15,000)
-4-hour working session or dinner with Eric Ries for your team or group (up to 4 people) in San Francisco (value priceless)
-Free startup Plan with Mixpanel (value $150)
-1 Free Admission to LUXr "UX Process for Lean Startups" Workshop (value $149)
-1 Free ticket to Lean Startup Machine conference - anywhere in the world (value $299)
-3000 free minutes and unlimited Sauce Scout usage for 3 months with SauceLabs (value $150)
-50% off Unbounce for 6 months (value up to $1500)
-$199 credit for Vungle services (value $199)
-1 Free Full-Time Agent + 50 Bonus Flex Hours with Assistly (value $638)
-Free Autographed copy of New York Times bestseller “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline (value $35)
-$25 StickerMule credit (value $25)
-Pivotal Tracker Startup L plan for one year (value $180)
-Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes...
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries (value $150)
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)
-Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) 6-month Plus Subscription (value $174)
-50% off LUXr Lean UX Bundle (value $397)
-2 free years of KISSmetrics Small (value $3600)
-2 free years of KISSinsights Premium (value $720)
-3 free months of Hello Bar Pro (value $14.85)
-Free “Refactoring” Album from Industrial Logic (value $250)
-Appsumo video bundle. Includes:
-How To Do Less Work by Leveraging Interns
-SEO for Startups with Rand Fishkin
-Blogging for Startups with Hiten Shah
-Copywriting for Startups
-Lean Startup Secrets Revealed with Eric Ries
-Facebook Ads with Jennifer Sheahan
-CEO Secrets Revealed with Dan Shapiro
-Google Adwords Demystified

Total value: $37,323 + priceless extras (for $7990 of books)

INSTRUCTIONS: Purchase your ticket on EventBrite. This offer is only available to those with shipping addresses in the United States. If you live outside of the US, you can use (HSG). It’s a simple service that allows non-U.S. customers to have goods delivered to a U.S. address, from which HSG forwards them to wherever you live.

The Book Tour in Your City Bonus Package (Cost $23,550, Value $48,323 + priceless extras)

Spots: Limited to 1 person.

-1500 copies of The Lean Startup (value $39,000)
-Crown Publishing will add a stop in your city to The Lean Startup book tour at their expense. (North America only) (value priceless)
-Free startup Plan with Mixpanel (value $150)
-1 Free Admission to LUXr "UX Process for Lean Startups" Workshop (value $149)
-1 Free ticket to Lean Startup Machine conference - anywhere in the world (value $299)
-3000 free minutes and unlimited Sauce Scout usage for 3 months with SauceLabs (value $150)
-50% off Unbounce for 6 months (value up to $1500)
-$199 credit for Vungle services (value $199)
-1 Free Full-Time Agent + 50 Bonus Flex Hours with Assistly (value $638)
-Free Autographed copy of New York Times bestseller “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline (value $35)
-$25 StickerMule credit (value $25)
-Pivotal Tracker Startup L plan for one year (value $180)
-Udemy Lean Startup Course, which includes...
-The Lean Startup Course with Eric Ries (value $150)
-Lean Startup Ignite Talks (bonus)
-Lean Startup SXSW videos (bonus)
-Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) 6-month Plus Subscription (value $174)
-50% off LUXr Lean UX Bundle (value $397)
-2 free years of KISSmetrics Small (value $3600)
-2 free years of KISSinsights Premium (value $720)
-3 free months of Hello Bar Pro (value $14.85)
-Free “Refactoring” Album from Industrial Logic (value $250)
-Appsumo video bundle. Includes:
-How To Do Less Work by Leveraging Interns
-SEO for Startups with Rand Fishkin
-Blogging for Startups with Hiten Shah
-Copywriting for Startups
-Lean Startup Secrets Revealed with Eric Ries
-Facebook Ads with Jennifer Sheahan
-CEO Secrets Revealed with Dan Shapiro
-Google Adwords Demystified

Total value: $48,323 + priceless extras (for $23,550 of books)

INSTRUCTIONS: Purchase your ticket on EventBrite. This offer is only available to those with shipping addresses in the United States. If you live outside of the US, you can use (HSG). It’s a simple service that allows non-U.S. customers to have goods delivered to a U.S. address, from which HSG forwards them to wherever you live.