Friday, March 9, 2012

SXSW Update

Greetings from Austin, TX! For those of you on your way to SXSW, I wanted to give a few updates of opportunities to say hello. All of these events are free with a SXSW badge, none will be livestreamed (that I'm aware of), and a few are open to those without a badge. See you soon...

Friday March 9
3pm: I'll be signing books at 3pm at the SXSW Bookstore (Ballroom G Foyer in the Convention Center). Come say hi.

5pm: My Featured Session talk is in the big room, Ballroom D at the convention Center. I'm especially honored that Steve Blank will be introducing me!

In the evening, come join me at the Startup America "A Celebration of American Startups" party at ACL.

Saturday March 10
Dave McClure and I will kick off the official Lean Startup track at the Hilton. If you haven't seen our updated agenda, you're missing out. We've added a raft of new amazing speakers and case studies, including startups like AirBnB, Hipmunk, Etsy, and more. We also have a ton of new mentors who will be there for one-on-one meetings, including Aneesh Chopra, Mary & Tom Poppendieck, and Robert Scoble.

Here's a brief summary of the agenda:
9:30am – 10:30am
Dave McClure & Eric Ries Uncensored

10:30am – 11:00am
MENTOR MEETUPS: 1 on 1 sessions with leading entrepreneurs + advisers

11:00am – 12:00pm
Ash Maurya, Running Lean
Chad Dickerson, Etsy
Mary & Tom Poppendieck, Poppendieck.LLC

12:30pm – 12:45pm
Steve Blank, Stanford University
Patrick Vlaskovits, Drumbi
Ash Maurya, USERcycle
Jeff Gothelf, Proof
Janice Fraser, LUXr

12:45pm – 1:30pm
STEVE BLANK: Advice for Today's Startup Entrepreneurs

1:30pm – 2:00pm
MENTOR MEETUPS: 1 on 1 sessions with leading entrepreneurs + advisers

2:00pm – 3:00pm
Aaron Batalion, LivingSocial
Dharmesh Shah, HubSpot
Joe Zadeh, Airbnb
Zach Nies, Rally Software
Moderator: Thomas Korte, AngelPad

3:00pm – 3:30pm
MENTOR MEETUPS: 1 on 1 sessions with leading entrepreneurs + advisers

3:30pm – 4:00pm
Macon Phillips, U.S. White House
Todd Park, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

4:00pm – 4:30pm
Scott Cook, Intuit

4:30pm – 5:00pm

5:00pm – 6:00pm
Andy Rachleff, Wealthfront
Janice Fraser, Luxr
Adam Goldstein, Hipmunk
Victor Echevarria, TaskRabbit
6pm: And we've just added an amazing Minimum Viable Party sponsored by New Context. See you there!

Sunday March 11
9:15am: Join me bright and early for Startup America Live.

11am: Do you host or run a Lean Startup community event, such as a Lean Startup Meetup? Come join our meetup-of-meetups meetup. We did this last year and it was amazing. (real community leaders only)

5:30pm: I'll be teaching a brief class at the Skillshare & AMEX party.

7pm: I'll be doing a brief Q&A with Jeff Gothelf at the DeLUX Lean UX event at Adaptive Path.

Monday March 12
This will be my last day in Austin, sadly. I'm working with Startup America to arrange office hours at the Startup Village for those who've been asking for one-on-one meetings. I'll announce details on twitter if we get that figured out.

Phew! I'm getting exhausted just typing out this list. Hope to see you here. Happy SXSW!