Monday, June 13, 2016

Introducing The Long-Term Stock Exchange (LTSE)

Can you believe it's almost five years since The Lean Startup was published? As I've traveled the globe these past five years, a very common question I get asked is: when are you doing another startup? Now, I'm finally ready to answer it.

I'm the CEO of a new company with a mission to fix the root cause of one of the worst problems plaguing our whole business ecosystem: the malign philosophy of short-termism that emanates from our public markets. We call this new company The Long-Term Stock Exchange (LTSE). Our goal is to create a new venue for great public companies to list on, one that uses its regulatory power to incentivize long-term thinking on the part of both managers and investors.

Although I've been working on this project for several years (I even wrote about in The Lean Startup). But I haven't wanted to become part of Silicon Valley's hype machine, and so our testing and experimentation have for the most part been quiet and behind the scenes. It's only now that so many people are involved that I felt it was time to be a little more public about it.

If you'd like to learn more, I've shared some details in a post on Medium. There's also an in-depth profile in the new issue of Bloomberg BusinessWeek (if anyone sees it in print, please send me a pic) as well as coverage on Quartz.

And, for a little blast from the past, here's the original passage in The Lean Startup that got this whole thing started:

As always, I want to thank all of you for your support. As the Lean Startup movement grows and spreads, I hope we continue to tackle bigger and more difficult problems. Let's solve them from first principles, at the root cause. I'll see you there.